Robson Reading Series: Michael Kenyon and John Lent
Michael Kenyon, author of A Year at River Mountain, and John Lent, author of The Path to Ardroe, will be reading excerpts of their respective books on Thursday, November 1st at 7:00 pm at the UBC Bookstore located at Robson Square.
Audience will be given an opportunity to ask the authors questions after the readings and books will be available for purchase and the authors will be available to sign copies.
Robson Reading Series: Weyman Chan
Weyman Chan will be reading exceprts from his book of poetry, Chinese Blue, on Friday, October 30th at 3:30 pm in the Lillooet Room at the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre.
Audience will be given an opportunity to ask the author questions after the readings and books will be available for purchase and the author will be available to sign copies.
Mobile Commerce
Discover the opportunities of mobile commerce, as smart phones become the mobile device of choice. This course provides an overview of the nature and types of mobile commerce, the size and growth of mobile commerce and how it is being used in a variety of B2C, B2B and B2E situations. Topics include location-based services, mobile retail, services and virtual goods including games, loyalty and ticketing apps, as well as app stores, tracking and billing options. Opportunities and challenges of the future of mobile commerce are also examined. You are expected to apply what you learn to your area of business interest or market area.
Note: Mobile financial services (e.g., banking, stocks) are not covered.
Organizing Your Digital World Across Devices
Increasingly, how we function in our everyday lives is dependent on computers and mobile devices. Combined with an ever-increasing shift from analog to digital media, it is now more important than ever to manage, organize, and transfer files across a variety of digital devices (computers, mobile phones, cameras, etc.). Learn how to take control of your “digital life” by looking at concepts such as standardized naming conventions, the advantages of using iTunes for digital media management, and cloud storage solutions such as Dropbox and iCloud. By the end of the course you will be able to use these core ideas to create an effective strategy that works for you.
Janusz Korczak: His Legacy and Children’s Rights
The conference “Janusz Korczak: His Legacy and Children’s Rights” is organized by the UBC Department of Education and the Janusz Korczak Association of Canada. The event is dedicated to the famous Polish-Jewish educator and champion of children’s rights Janusz Korczak (1878-1942), whose ideas inspired the authors of the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child (1989).
First Nations House of Learning Cross-Cultural Understanding Series
First Nations House of Learning Cross-Cultural Understanding Series October 29 – November 2, 2012 Building on last year’s Dialogue on the Indian Residential School System, a series of events will be held at the First Nations Longhouse to provide the University community a chance to learn more about this history, promote dialogue, and plan future […]
UBC’s Dialogue on the History of Indian Residential Schools in Canada, One Year Later
This event will be by invitation to past participants, those who could not attend last year’s session, and students.
UBC’s Strategic Planning Session: Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada, West Coast National Event
This Strategic Planning Session is an opportunity for senior administrators, faculty, student leaders, and other interested parties to plan for a meaningful engagement with this event, and to think about ways in which awareness of the Residential Schools and their significance can be developed and integrated into curricula, and into the planning of faculties, departments, and organizations.
Musqueam: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow
The Community Partners: Cross-Cultural Learning series highlights a variety of community lead initiatives and resources. Each session offers insight into the history and development of the project or resource, and the benefits of cross-cultural learning. Participants are invited to take part as personal learning experience or as a rewarding professional development opportunity.
Sharing Our Stories, The Vancouver Dialogues Project
The Community Partners: Cross-Cultural Learning series highlights a variety of community lead initiatives and resources. Each session offers insight into the history and development of the project or resource, and the benefits of cross-cultural learning. Participants are invited to take part as personal learning experience or as a rewarding professional development opportunity.