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Richard & Dorothy Sikora Lecture

Richard & Dorothy Sikora Lecture

An annual lecture hosted by UBC’s Philosophy department called the “Richard & Dorothy Sikora Annual Lecture”.

Engaging Indigeneity through Place-Based, Community-Based and Experiential Learning

As part of strengthening university-community relations, this workshop focuses on the pedagogical connections between place-based, community-based and experiential learning. Included in the workshop is an emphasis on Indigenous understandings of these current educational movements and a practical exercise that is used to familiarize participants with these concepts.

Snack and refreshments will be provided.

Midterm Evaluations of Teaching Forum

This workshop will showcase a pilot project for the 2012-13 academic year, developed in partnership by the AMS and CTLT, to implement and evaluate the effectiveness of different models for midterm evaluations of teaching.

Spaces for Teaching, Spaces for Learning

This workshop will present two complementary viewpoints of the role and range of spaces for teaching and learning

Interactive Engagement in Large Classes: Methods and Examples from the Carl Wieman Science Education Initiative

The workshop will cover the basic ideas behind PI, present compelling evidence for its instructional effectiveness and offer participants the opportunity to try the technique for themselves. The workshop is aimed at, and relevant for, any faculty members or instructors seeking deeper student engagement and improved learning inside their classrooms.

Peer Review of Teaching Forum

The workshop is open to all with an interest in Peer Review of Teaching: faculty (acting as reviewers or reviewees); Associate Deans / Faculty nominees for PRT; Heads of Department.

Allies in Health: 4th Annual Community & Patient Fair

Allies in Health: 4th Annual Community & Patient Fair

This interprofessional event is an opportunity for UBC health and human service students and faculty to connect with and learn from community health organizations and individuals living with chronic health conditions. The fair will include patient panels, community exhibits, and prizes. Volunteers also needed.

Habits of Highly Effective Writers

Habits of Highly Effective Writers

‘Publish or perish’ is the mantra of the successful academic. Yet few academics have been explicitly trained as writers, and fewer still have been schooled in the intricate art of maintaining research productivity without sacrificing work-life balance. Helen Sword, author of Stylish Academic Writing (Harvard 2012), has interviewed more than 80 successful academics from across the disciplines to find out about their professional formation as writers, their daily work habits, and their habits of mind. In this interactive workshop, she will present a smorgasbord of evidence-based strategies for colleagues who aspire to write more confidently, stylishly, engagingly, daringly, or simply more prolifically.

TA Training Poster Display

This poster display will showcase the different processes departments and faculties use to train their teaching assistants. It is intended to provide information to students who may be interested in becoming TAs, and it is also an opportunity for faculties to share information with each other about their approaches to TA Training.

Ticketing Information: This is a free event, open to the public. Everyone is welcome. For more information visit