Mothers Managing Pain In Preterm Infants: The Present and the Future of Neonatal Intensive Care

Name: Mothers Managing Pain in Preterm Infants: The Present and the Future of Neonatal Intensive Care

Date & Time: November 1, 5:00PM – 6:30PM

Location: Green College, 6201 Cecil Green Park Road

Description: More than 12-million premature infants are born worldwide each year—rates that continue to increase as a result of advancing maternal age and of advances in reproductive technology In the neonatal intensive care unit, preterm infants undergo repeatedly essential, but painful, care-related procedures. Unfortunately, repeated early exposure to procedural pain is associated with developmental abnormalities found in these children as they enter school. This talk will focus on the recent findings from a randomized controlled trial in which mothers provided a natural treatment, breastfeeding, to manage their infants’ pain. The future of neonatology will include greater use of naturalistic treatments to complement traditional medicine in order to optimize developmental outcomes in these vulnerable infants.

Ticketing Information: This is a FREE event – open to the public. For more information viist: