Preparing for the Present: Exploring The Value of Mindfulness For Teaching & Learning
Preparing for the Present: Exploring The Value of Mindfulness For Teaching & Learning Date & Time: Monday, October 21, 1:00pm – 2:20pm Location: Seminar Room 2.22, Irving K. Barber Learning Centre Description: Join us for a conversation with Geoffrey Soloway who will share his research-informed insights about: * Engagement in learning * Social and emotional competence […]
Mental Health in the UBC Workplace – Responding with Respect
The objective of the training is to increase the awareness of mental health issues, and by doing so, decrease the stigma around this topic.
Public Solar Observation
Public Solar Observation Date & Time: Wednesday, October 23, 1:15pm – 2:45pm Location: North side of the Hennings building (6224 Agricultural Road, facing the Ike Barber Learning Centre) Description: Crossing our fingers for a sunny day, as we will be running a public observation of the sun with a solar telescope, weather permitting. The telescope offers […]
The Universe: Its Structure And Its Support of Life
The Universe: Its Structure And Its Support of Life Date & Time: Wednesday, October 23, 7:30pm – 9:00pm Location: Room 1013, Earth Sciences Building, 2207 Main Mall Description: How did the Universe originate, and why is it the way it is? Is it a coincidence that the Universe seems to be just right for us […]
The UBC Academic English Support Program
Come and learn about the UBC Academic English Support Program, an innovative, blended program which offers free, individualized support to UBC students whose first language is not English.
A Holistic Approach to Sustainability Course Design
A Holistic Approach to Sustainability Course Design Date & Time: Thursday, October 24, 12:00pm – 1:30pm Location: Seminar Room 2.22, Irving K. Barber Learning Centre Description: Interested in ways to (re)design courses that weave sustainability attributes throughout the course and connect course material to local and global contexts? Join us in the exploration of one framework […]
An Evening with Larry Grant
Elder Larry Grant is this year’s speaker in the St. John’s College Grant Ingram Distinguished Visiting Lecture program.
As the Elder-in-Residence at the UBC First Nations House of Learning and St. John’s College Faculty Fellow, Larry welcomes and connects with an array of students, visitors, faculty and staff from around the world. He is also an adjunct professor for the UBC First Nations Languages Program and the consultant for the Musqueam Language and Culture Department, working to revitalize hən̓q̓əmin̓əm̓ and co-teach the first-year hən̓q̓əmin̓əm̓ language course.
What Can Babies, Puppets, and Pacific Islanders Tell Us About Morality?
Rita McNamara will discuss what we (think) we know about human nature as a moral animal, and how two different perspectives are being integrated in the burgeoning new field of developmental cross-cultural psychology.
Building Bridges to Improve Health, Together
Dr. Wagner will focus on engagement and bridge-building to improve global health
The Challenges of Global Tobacco Control: Lessons for Implementation Science
Dr. Lee will discuss the challenges of global tobacco control and the lessons for implementation science