Date & Time
Tuesday May 2nd, 1:00 pm-3:00 pm
KBLC, Sandspit Meeting Room (Room 381)
Dr Kate Power, Dr Diana Wegner
Navigating disciplinary differences in research and writing conventions poses a serious challenge for students, and faculty may be looking for ways to improve student writing in their courses. This two hour workshop introduces leading theoretical and empirical research from the fields of writing and discourse studies, which “cracks open” the black box of academic genres and disciplinary writing.
It will be of particular interest to faculty wishing to help students enter their disciplinary community more fully, as well as upper-level undergraduate and graduate students wishing to take on the role of “scholar” in their writing.
During the workshop, participants will have the opportunity to
- engage with an “executive summary” of both well-established and cutting-edge research dealing with genre, genre-based pedagogies, “writing in the disciplines,” the discursive construction of academic identities, and English for Academic Purposes.
- practice analyzing samples of academic writing, with a view to identifying and describing disciplinary differences in academic writing;
- consider using this research to help students assume the role of “scholar” in their disciplinary majors; and
- learn about an upper-level, interdisciplinary, seminar-style writing course in the Faculty of Arts (ASTU 400a), which is a new and empowering elective for students wishing to gain a deeper understanding of research writing and, so, to enter more fully into their disciplinary communities.