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Shanghai Summer Program Information Session

Learn about this five-week intensive program offered in collaboration with the prestigious Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) and learn all about the culture and business practices in Hong Kong and Shanghai. Since 1998, undergraduate students from various faculties at UBC have taken advantage of this unique opportunity to network with professionals and discover Asia.

TA Training Poster Display

This TA Training poster display will showcase the different processes departments and faculties use to train their teaching assistants. It is intended to provide information to students who may be interested in becoming TAs, and it is also an opportunity for faculties to share information with each other about their approaches to TA Training.

5th Annual Allies in Health Community and Patient Fair

5th Annual Allies in Health Community and Patient Fair

Allies in Health is an open-house fair that connects community organizations, patient support groups and people involved in these agencies with UBC students and faculty. The fair is an opportunity for students and faculty to learn about:
• The experiences of living with illness or disability from patients / clients / community members, and their interactions with health professionals and the health care system
• Resources and information available in the community for health professionals and their patients / clients
• Patient and community organizations and what they do

BC’s New Education Plan: School Libraries at the Centre of Learning

BC’s New Education Plan: School Libraries at the Centre of Learning

Personalized learning for every student, quality teaching, flexibility and choice, and learning empowered by technology – these goals of the BC Education Plan are central to effective school library programs. Teacher-librarians collaborate with teachers so that kids engage in inquiry and have greater opportunities to employ critical thinking and creativity. Never before has there been a better time for teachers to learn to teach with teacher librarians than now.
Join our National School Library Day conversation, to hear from our panel as they talk about the role of teacher-librarians and school libraries in the BC Education Plan.

Foundations of Project Management I: A Team Based Approach

A 2-day interactive project management workshop offered by the Graduate Pathways to Success Program in collaboration with the Mitacs Step Program.

Getting On Track With Your Thesis

Lost momentum? Having difficulty managing your research in an efficient way? Need motivation and strategies to complete your thesis? This workshop will offer information to graduate students on how to efficiently structure the thesis or dissertation process for timely completion, manage the emotional roller coaster, and find support when their motivation ebbs.

Understanding Whiskies

Discern between the different styles of whiskies, from Bourbon to Tennessee, Canadian to Scotch. Learn to taste and distinguish the unique flavours of this unique spirit. Explore the distillation process, different production methods and ageing techniques used. Learn about the long history of whisky around the world from the moonshine days of the prohibition era to the classic Single Malt styles of Scotland.
Note: You will need to purchase a starter kit, consisting of six ISO tasting glasses in a carry bag for $30+tax, unless you have already purchased one from a previous course.

Assertiveness Training 1

To be assertive is to communicate effectively, a vital skill given today’s emphasis on collaboration and teamwork at home and at work. Focus on four key areas of communication: making requests of colleagues, family and friends; saying no when necessary; giving and receiving feedback; and negotiating for positive change.
This course is appropriate for those seeking to modify passive or aggressive communication styles, enhance emotional intelligence and interpersonal skills, or ready themselves for training in conflict resolution.

Dealing With Difficult People

Examine the roots and patterns of conflict situations and discover how to turn conflicts into creative problem solving. This popular one-day workshop teaches you how to be “hard on the problem, yet soft on the people.” Review crucial communication skills, explore ways to manage anger (in yourself and others), and learn how to be assertive without being aggressive. The interactive format encourages you to personalize your learning experience.

Resumés That Get Results: Lunch Hour Sessions

Learn key tips and tools to master this core element of any job application. Creating a targeted resumé that conveys your full value is a combination of art and skill. Led by volunteer career advisors, these interactive sessions offer practical guidance to support your job search.