Open UBC Week: #Arseniclife, Social Media and Open Science
In late 2010 NASA-funded scientists claimed to have overturned a basic principle of biochemistry by finding bacteria that used arsenic in place of phosphorus. Science blogs and Twitter rapidly spread the word that the data were unreliable and the findings contrary to the known chemistry of these elements. These social media interactions led to an open-science collaboration that overturned the claims. The talk will consider the conflicting effects of secrecy and openness in such processes as peer review and pre-publication embargoes.
Open UBC Week: Adventures in Open Science Advocacy
Ng will discuss his experiences in getting science topics into the general public’s consciousness. This includes a number of open projects that primarily rely on crowd-sourcing, involving attempts at hosting puzzles, determining the “truth,” ranking Candy, and his more recent grand crowdsourcing experiment, The Phylomon Project ( He will attempt to provide some advice on such ventures and show the merits of an open culture.
Open UBC Week: Physical Prototyping at UBC and Open Robotics Demo
Prototyping tools are available on campus for students looking to fabricate their ideas into physical objects. On display will be physical prototypes from UBC Engineering Physics and other local groups making use of waterjet cutters, 3dprinters, lasercutters and other tools to put together physical prototypes for academic courses, capstone projects and extracurricular teams.
What Next? Creating Your Own Community-Based Experience
UBC-CLI Chapman and Innovation Grant winners from this past summer share how they took past experiences and shaped an exciting new project with community. Start thinking about how you might take your community learning to the next level.
Experiential Learning in Natural Resources Conservation Program
Getting out of the classroom and into the real world creates valuable experiences for students and enhances learning opportunities. Come see what experiential learning means to students and instructors in our natural resources capstone course CONS 451.
Bridging the Gap: Constructions of Curricular Integration in Professions Education
In this session, panelists from across the health professions discuss curricular integration as the perceived solution to key issues in professions education. A discussant provides a synthesis of these issues and a perspective from the Faculty of Education. Audience members are invited to engage in a discussion with the presenters and to explore some of the questions that arise as we uncover these issues.
A Cappella Workshop!
UBC A Cappella welcomes lovers of music, singers and listeners alike, to participate in this workshop. We will be singing for you, with you, and teaching the basics of a cappella singing and performance. Come out for some singing, listening and jolly good times!
Sustainability Education Resource Center Open House
Have a question about how sustainability fits into your lifestyle? Want to learn more about UBC’s role in sustainability or how you can get involved on campus? Have an idea about how to make UBC more sustainable?
Come join your UBC Sustainability Ambassadors for free hot chocolate and snacks at the Sustainability Education Resource Centre, in the Centre for Interactive Research on Sustainability. Chat with fellow students about sustainability related courses, clubs and events on campus, over steaming (reusable) mugs of hot chocolate, all while enjoying one of the greenest buildings in North America! All are welcome.
Sk’aad Ga Gud ad is~Learning Balance. Awe-inspiring Learning Opportunities at the Edge of the Continent: A New Approach to Natural Resource Education
Poster and information on the new UBC Forestry – Haida Gwaii Higher Education Society community-based semesters in natural science and socio-economic approaches to natural resource management.
How would you like to spend a semester in one of the most magical places on earth, taking advantage of a new approach to natural resource education and being totally immersed in the local community, and yet only two hours flight from Vancouver.
This one-week event will include a poster exhibit showcasing this new educational approach and outlining the two semesters that form part of a joint initiative between UBC Forestry and the Haida Gwaii Higher Education Society and highlighting how they have revolutionized student learning experiences. UBC Faculty that teach in this program will be available from noon-1pm each day to answer questions about the program.
Getting Published
Want to get an article published? Learn how to find potential journals for your work. Find out about Cabell’s Directory of Publishing Opportunities, Ulrich’s Periodical Directory, Directory of Open Access Journals, and browse UBC online journals and indexes and databases and use Summon to explore articles published in our UBC Library journals.