Name: A Cappella Workshop!
Date: Saturday, November 3
Time: 12:00 – 2:00 pm
Location: Woodward Lecture hall, Woodward 1
Description: UBC A Cappella, a group of friends who sing together on campus, is inviting those equally interested in music and a good time to come out to this workshop. If you are looking for a renewal in your love for music and singing, this is the perfect event for you. We will be demonstrating what a cappella music is, basics of stage performance and a cappella singing and the fun, spunky a cappella songs we sing. This workshop, and UBC A Cappella itself is about having a good time and making music. If this sounds like your cup of tea, take a sip and come to the workshop!
Ticketing: FREE – Please Register at
Open to Public, Recommended for Lovers of Music!
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