Call for Session Proposals

Remembering the Human in the Loop

UBC faculty, staff, students, and community members, are encouraged to submit session proposals for inclusion in Celebrate Learning Week. 

This year, we invite session proposals that examine the intersection between humans and Generative AI in teaching and learning experiences. Celebrate Learning Week aims to explore the complexities surrounding this interaction by addressing the potential benefits and challenges, the societal and educational implications, and the evolution of education in reshaping pedagogy. 

Below are some topics to inspire your event submissions. These are only a starting point, please don’t let this list limit you.

Benefits and Challenges:

Assess the potential benefits and challenges with GenAI in teaching and learning, including investigating the ramifications of humans being replaced or the prospective increased accessibility, and meaningful connection between individuals and the technological advancements produced.

Strategic Responses:

Examine innovative strategies for higher education institutions to respond effectively to the use of GenAI tools, and consider the implications of GenAI in reshaping curriculum design, student experience and pedagogy holistically. 

Evolution of Education:

Analyze the anticipated short to medium-term (2–5 years) changes in higher education resulting from the integration of GenAI tools, reflecting on the nuanced dynamics and roles between human vs. GenAI, and the societal and educational impacts of these changes.

  • Interactive Workshop – offer CLW attendees the opportunity to explore a topic in depth with their peers and to translate their learning into their respective teaching contexts.
  • Panel Presentation and Discussion – provide a forum of public exchange of ideas, giving experts and CLW attendees the opportunity to discuss a particular topic collaboratively.
  • Asynchronous Activities – share an online course/tour/knowledge web/other that CLW attendees can explore.  
  • Other – any format you think will fit the topic of your event.

Browse through the complimentary Contributors' Resource Guide for helpful information regarding logistics and resources.

GenAI Resources: 

Several resources have been developed across the UBC community on generative AI in teaching and learning. 

Indigenous Resources:

We recommend sharing a land acknowledgement at the beginning of your session.

Accessibility Resources:

Explore resources to help make your sessions accessible and effective learning spaces.

Should you have any questions regarding the call for contributions, please reach out to Rachel at

Submission deadline: [DATE]

2024 CLW Session Proposal Submission Form