Date & Time
Tuesday May 3rd, 10:30am-12:30pm
UBC Point Grey – Irving Barber Learning Centre, Lillooet Room (301)
Universities around the world recognize the importance and complexity of providing high quality and high engagement student learning experiences in diverse, internationally-responsive and technology-enabled undergraduate and graduate degree programs. In research-intensive university (RIU) environments, for example, academic leaders at various institutional levels, are thus increasingly required to account for research-informed, strategically aligned, and evidence-based curriculum and pedagogical practices. Based on published research and institutional leadership experiences, this interactive presentation focuses on the scholarship of educational leadership (SoEL), and its impact in multi-disciplinary, multinational and multi-institutional RIU settings. Specific attention will centre on the innovative 2016-17 cohort program for UBCs educational leaders, The Scholarship of Educational Leadership: UBC Certificate on Curriculum and Pedagogy in Higher Education UBCs program graduates include Killam and 3M Teaching Award Winners, Program Directors, Curriculum and Pedagogical Leaders, Associate Deans, Promotion and Tenure Committee Personnel, and Tenured faculty members/Professors of Teaching in diverse undergraduate and graduate degree programs. Certification is based on successful completion of a SoEL graduation ePortfolio and external review (includes credit for 3 Graduate courses toward a Masters of Education). Further, program instructors are UBC Professors (including 3M National Teaching Fellows) with international leadership experience and extensive educational scholarship in diverse university contexts. Indeed, it is the scale and evidence of sustained impact over an 18-year period that is the hallmark of the success of this program in RIU settings. Discussion includes SoEL exemplars within and across UBCs disciplinary settings, program application process and the UBC cohort schedule for September 2016 – March 2017.
Learning objectives:In this presentation, participants will: Think critically about theory-practice issues related to SoEL in diverse research-intensive university contexts. Engage with UBC colleagues to explore applications of SoEL within and across disciplinary settings. Develop initial practice-based SoEL inquiry strategies for institution-level or Faculty-level undergraduate/graduate degree program initiatives.
Harry Hubball, Professor, Education
Tony Clark, Professor, Education
Marion Pearson, Professor of Teaching, Pharmaceutical Sciences
Simon Albon, Professor of Teaching, Pharmaceutical Sciences
Simon Ellis, Associate Professor, Forestry