Name: E-Books Unstuck
Date: Thursday, November 1
Time: 10:30am – 11:50am
Location: Irving K. Barber Learning Centre, Lillooet Room
Description: What if you could give a book to everyone on earth? Get an e-book and read it on any device, in any format, forever? Give an e-book to your library to share? Own DRM-free e-books, legally? Read free e-books, and know their creators had been fairly paid? What if you could give your favourite book to the world?
At, you can pledge toward creating e-books that will be legally free, worldwide. These books have already been traditionally published, but they’re stuck: legal restrictions keep you from being able to enjoy and share them. gets them unstuck. Authors and publishers decide what amount lets them freely share their books with the world while still making a living. That fee is raised through crowd-funding: people like you chipping in. When campaigns succeed, the rights holders get paid, and they issue a free electronic edition under a CreativeCommons license. Founder Eric Hellman will describe his vision for launching a new business model that opens up access to fiction.
Ticketing: FREE
Open to Public, Recommended for Faculty, Staff, Students, and other Schools