Name: Uncovering the Impact Story of Open Research
Date: Wednesday, October 31
Time: 11:00am – 11:50am
Location: Irving K. Barber Learning Centre, Lillooet Room
Description: Research today is often evaluated by the journal impact factor of a published article. This has left little room for innovation: it is difficult for new journals to achieve a high impact factor, and non-traditional research products are often published outside of journals. It has also failed to recognize and reward broad impact and post-publication use. As scholarly publishing and interactions move online, scholarly and public impacts are becoming easier to follow and measure. Heather Piwowar will talk about tools that can track these impacts today, and discuss how these tools are empowering revolutions in open access publishing and open data repositories.
Ticketing: FREE
Open to Public, Recommended for Faculty, Staff, Students, and other Schools