Name: Diaspora, Diversity, &Dialogue Art Exhibition’s Cross-Cultural Dialogue and Closing Night Art Sale
Date: Saturday, October 27
Time: 2:00pm – 8:00pm
Location: Peace River Room, IKBLC, Room 261
Description: The October 27 cross-cultural symposium, pecha-kucha style, brings together artists, community organizers, youth leaders, planners and city residents to address questions about the role of arts, culture and artistic expressions in community capacity-building within and across multi-cultural, multi-ethnic, multi-linguistic, multi-religious diasporic communities, marked by increased internal diversity and interactions with indigenous and settler communities, both old and new. What role do arts and culture play in citizenship building and community development within multicultural cities such as Vancouver? What can the arts, culture and artistic expressions do to engage multicultural communities in inter-cultural dialogues about social justice and sustainability in our cities that aim for greater social cohesion and inclusivity? How do Vancouver’s multi-cultural communities interpret, interrogate and interact with the City’s “green” and “sustainable city” vision and mandate, given these communities’ existing environmental knowledge and previous experiences with environmental agendas? What can the City of Vancouver and other Canadian cities, as well as the arts and community development community do to respond to these multiple voices and values to make our cities even more sustainable, just, inclusive, innovative, and creative?
The events, organized by Migrante BC, Canada-Philippine Solidarity for Human Rights, Multi-cultural Helping House Society, Tulayan, Kensington Community Office of MLA Mable Elmore and UBC Professor Leonora Angeles, are jointly sponsored by the City of Vancouver’s Community and Neighbourhood Arts and Development Grants Program 2012; University of British Columbia Irving K. Barber Learning Centre; Department of Asian Studies; Institute for Asian Research; Institute for Gender, Race, Sexuality and Social Justice; Liu Institute for Global Issues; and the School of Community and Regional Planning.
Ticketing: FREE
Open to Public, Recommended for the Community