Name: The Future of Technology-Enhanced Education: Opportunities and Challenges – Dr. Charles Dziuban
Time & Date: 10:00 A.M. – 12:00 P.M., Monday, October 26, 2009
Location: Dodson Room (3rd Floor), Irving K. Barber Learning Centre
Description: Chuck will share the latest results form a decade long evaluation of online learning at the University of Central Florida. He plans to discuss predictors of success and withdrawal in online and blended courses and student rating of course modalities when the samples are large. He will describe the UCF project for the A. P. Sloan Foundation on student satisfaction and the unbundling of convenience and flexibility and how that research relates to the generations and reactive behavior patterns. In addition he will described how the Research Initiative for Teaching Effectiveness developed a culture of the scholarship of teaching and learning with the hope of establishing cooperative research with UBC.
Charles Dziuban is Director of the Research Initiative for Teaching Effectiveness at the University of Central Florida (UCF) where has been a faculty member since 1970 teaching research design and statistics. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin. Since 1996, he has directed the impact evaluation of UCF’s distributed learning initiative examining student and faculty outcomes as well as gauging the impact of online courses on the university. Chuck has published in numerous journals including Multivariate Behavioral Research, The Psychological Bulletin, Educational and Psychological Measurement, the American Education Research Journal, the Phi Delta Kappan, the Internet in Higher Education, the Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks, and the Sloan-C View. His methods for determining psychometric adequacy have been featured in both the SPSS and the SAS packages. He has received funding from several government and industrial agencies including the Ford Foundation, Centers for Disease Control, National Science Foundation and the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. In 2000, Chuck was named UCF’s first ever Pegasus Professor for extraordinary research, teaching, and service and in 2005 received the honor of Professor Emeritus. He has co-authored or contributed to numerous books and chapters on blended and online learning including Handbook of Blended Learning Environments, Educating the Net Generation, and Blended Learning: Research Perspectives of which, he is the co-editor. In 2005, Chuck received the Sloan Consortium award for Most Outstanding Achievement in Online Learning by an Individual. In 2007 he was appointed to the National Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Literacy Policy Council. In the recent past Chuck has given talks in Budapest for the Hungarian CIVITAS association, the State University of New York, the University of Southern California, the Suffolk Community College System, Westfield College, Coppin State University, Clarion University and The Sloan-C blended learning conference, the Educause Conference, the Sloan Asynchronous Learning Conference, The Southern Regional Education Board, California State University Long Beach, St. Cloud State University , The University of Maine The University of Alabama Birmingham and The West Virginia Education Association.
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